Click on DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS for everything you need to run this escape room.
"A great way to work through this wonderful Psalm as the young people engage with the text, think about personal applications and have a bit of competitive fun!"
Melinda Stylo
Youth Minister, St. Mary's Maidenhead

How precious to me are your thoughts,God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
Psalm 139.17-18
Psalm 139 is one of the best loved Psalms in the Bible.
Take your youth or small group through this Psalm in a series of nine escape room challenges, written to make them as easy to set up as possible.
The Escape Room was written with 11- to 18-year-old youth and students in mind, but can be used with older children or adults. The instructions include a few sentences on each of nine parts of Psalm 139.
Everything else you need, you will probably have already e.g. string.
I'd love your feedback, and if you want to submit your time, we could get a leaderboard going!
You can download for free one of the challenges for this Escape Room so you can try before you buy. It's only £5.
See a sample challenge here.
Created by Dave Thornton
with thanks to Melinda Stylo and Hannah Elphick
If you spot any problems or want to help design the next Escape Room, get in touch.
Get more ideas and support for your youth ministry with my book: "RAISING THE BAR: Nearly Everything You Need to Know about Christian Youth Ministry."
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"The most helpful book I've ever read on youth ministry. Practical wisdom, simply written for all to benefit. I wish I'd had this book when I started."
Luke Blakeley
Youth Pastor
St. Andrew's Church, Leyland