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easter escape room

You could even call it an ESCAPE TOMB! 

With thanks to Henry Frankel.


Click on DOWNLOAD ZIP FOLDER to download PUBLICITY, INSTRUCTIONS and CLUES in the form of a Microsoft Powerpoint and you are ready to go!


I have just rewritten this escape room to make it easier to play in person. Download it now. I've published it without it being independently checked to speed the process and to allow you to play it in 2023. If you spot something that doesn't work or could be clearer, please let me know and I'll correct it. Thanks.

"We did the Easter Escape Room yesterday.  These were very well done!  The students had a blast!


Jackie Terry, Youth Pastor, Peace Chapel, Morris, IL, USA

Alexandria Easter Escape Room

postcard from alexandria

This was a great blessing - an email from a youth worker in Alexandria, Egypt:

"I would like to thank you so much for your efforts.


We have done the Easter Escape Room in our youth ministry … It was so amazing. All the youth had an unforgettable day … Thank you again and again.


May God bless your service!"


Andrew Alfred Sobhi,

Coptic Orthodox Church,

Alexandria, Egypt

"Absolutely brilliant! This really brought everyone together and gave them a chance to shine with their different strengths, plus it told the story and incorporated the facts in a really accessible way."


Linday Furze, Engage Leader (11-14yrs), Widcombe Baptist Church

"Thank you for your extremely well set Escape Room activities. They had just the right level of challenge for them and I'm sure they'll want to try more in future. Thanks again for the level of creativity that goes into such efforts."


Chris Saunders, Youth Worker, South Cotswolds Team

easter escape room

This Escape Room covers Good Friday and Jesus' resurrection. This is designed to be used by schools or youth groups and can be used independently of the first.




Click the button below to download instructions, clues and publicity artwork for youth groups.

Updated 6th April 2023

Please click on the Schools Team logo below to go to Christ Church, Winchester's Schools Team website to download schools' resources, including PowerPoint, teacher's instructions and classroom resources. 


Christ Church Winchester schools team logo
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"Our youth group had a fantastic evening solving clues and having a laugh together! Would definitely recommend this to youth workers as a great way to introduce the Easter passage."
Adèle Regan
Youth & Children's Minister
St. James', Rowledge, Farnham
Jerusalem Map

If you want to keep up-to-date with new resources like these, please join the website by clicking Log In at the top.

Created by Jack Percey, Tim Robbins, Monica Jones & Dave Thornton. 


If you don't understand something or see anything that can be improved, get in touch.

How can I support

These escape rooms are a gift to you. Enjoy!


I run this website to support church youth ministry. I hope and pray it is a blessing to you. I update this in my spare time (I'm actually a full-time church youth minister - you can find out more about me here).


If you find it helpful, please buy one or more copies of my book Raising the Bar to help support this ministry. It's a manual for Christian youth ministry and reviews are excellent - you can read what people say here. Alternatively, you can send me a donation for the Escape Room using the form below. If you can't afford it, send me an encouragement. Those are great too! Thanks.


Dave Thornton

Leave a one-time donation

Thanks for your gift!

Easter Leaderboard

1.   Jesus resurrected and revived!
      Engage, Widcombe Baptist Church
2.   Mischief managed

      Quench, South Cotswolds Team
3.   Resurrection Revelation: Jesus'
      Cross Cured
      OJAM, Clifton Parish Churches, York
4.   Return of the King leads to
      global spread
      St. Elizabeth's, Dundonald, NI
5.   Tomb-tastic - Jesus is risen!

      Crossway Church, Birmingham
6.   Thomas breaks Covid laws
      to touch resurrected Jesus
      Christ Church, Winchester
Random Respawned?      
      The Jerusalem Times
      Peace Chapel, Morris, IL

8.   Man's love for fishing brings him
      back from the dead
      Christ Church, Winchester
9.   Local preacher defeats death
      Christ Church, Winchester
10. Jesus' Resurrection: He Rises
YJAM, Clifton Parish
      Churches, York









11. Jesus is risen!
      St. Mary Bredin, Canterbury
12. It's a miracle!
      Hendon Beach Church, London
13. Jesus & Barabbas: an unlikely
      St. James, Rowledge,
14. Christ's Comeback
      Christ Church, Winchester
15. He is risen

      SUMT Y6-9 Residential, Isle of Man
16. Lost in Lower City
      Christ Church, Winchester    




​To join the leaderboard, send your time, group, location and headline here, stating you've completed the Easter Escape Room.

Your headline will be taken into account for your place on the leaderboard.

"A brilliant way to go through the Easter story, grounding it in a real place and with real people. Fun puzzles along with a well-planned, ongoing narrative. Great to be able to change the delivery of such a key event to such a key age group. We look forward to continuing to use all the escape rooms when back meeting in person!"


Henry Wade, Younger Youth Leader, St. Mary Bredin, Canterbury


​Get more ideas and support for your youth ministry with my manual for youth ministry:

RAISING THE BAR: Nearly Everything You Need to Know about Christian Youth Ministry.

Raising the Bar front cover

As a site member, you'll receive news of our latest resources.


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Have you seen our Holy Week Escape Room?

The Easter Escape Room can be played on its own, or you can enjoy the Holy Week one first, then play this one. They both have the same feel to them.


The Holy Week Escape Room has now been rewritten to enable it to be played in person more easily.

©2024 by Church Youth Ministry, Winchester, UK.

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