Questions young people ask christians
These are some sample questions that young people ask panels. How would you answer them?
Why not discuss a couple a week with your team or with your young people, to encourage them in answering questions people have about Jesus, the Bible and Christian living?
It’s fair to say young people will still surprise us, but you can get better at answering question panels by prayerfully thinking through some of these questions which have been asked over recent years on youth question panels. Some of them will be familiar; others will force you to think really seriously.
​​​This might be different to your context, but we're finding young people are asking us different questions now. We're getting less antagonistic questions than we did, and more warm questions asking us to talk about our story - how did we start coming to church, how do we pray, etc.
Old Testament
If God created the Garden of Eden, then why would he create a forbidden fruit, which would send humanity down the path of sin?
Why did God even give Adam and Eve the temptation of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
If God is all-knowing then why does he allow the fall of man?
How did Adam and Eve birth the whole population without forcing their children into incest?
How binding are the 10 commandments? Does someone have to follow all of them to the letter or is it more of a choice?
Is the Design Argument valid?
Why does God kill so many people in the Old Testament?
New Testament
How is Mary a virgin but still has a child?
God the Father
Who/what is God to you?
Is God real?
How do you know God’s real?
Where do you think God came from?
Does God look like someone specific?
Is God male or female?
Is God a woman?
Is God a man?
If God created everyone in his image, why do criminals exist?
What is the Trinity?
Does God exist in non-Christians?
Why do people call God by he/him?
Is God a man, woman or both, or none of the above?
How can we prove God’s existence?
What does God's voice sound like when you hear it?
How far would you agree with the idea that God exists in a form of different to that of the Christian faith?
Is Jesus real?
How much evidence is there that Jesus existed?
If Christians say Jesus is God then how did God create Jesus to say he is the Son of God?
What was Jesus’ favourite colour?
What is Jesus’ favourite word?
Did Jesus have siblings?
What was Jesus’ middle name?
Where or did Jesus go to school?
Who was Jesus’ first kiss?
Did Jesus die a virgin?
Was Jesus ever married or in a relationship?
Why is Jesus white when he lives in the Middle East?
Is Jesus black?
Is Jesus of any race?
Who is Jesus?
What’s Jesus’ last name?
What is the most important aspect of Jesus?
Is Jesus Jewish?
Is God or Joseph Jesus’ biological father?
How old was Jesus when he died?
Will Jesus return?
How many chickens did Jesus eat on his 13th birthday?
Why doesn’t God perform miracles on everyone who deserves them?
Do you believe in miracles? Or do you believe they are happy coincidences?
Why does God not perform miracles on everyone who deserves them?
What miracles have you experienced?
Why do you think miracles happen in all religions and not just Christianity?​
The Bible
Who wrote the Bible?
How long does it take to read the Bible?
Do you have to know the Bible off by heart?
Do you know what the whole Bible means?
How thick is the Bible?
Will you make a more modern Bible?
Do you think another Bible will be created?
What is the most interesting teaching or story in the Bible that not many people know about?
If God is supposed to be all loving, why does the Bible contain so much inequality (e.g. sexism)
The Bible gives good messages, how do you feel about its contradictions?
What are your thoughts on liberal churches/Christians who don’t think the Bible is literal - perhaps it’s metaphorical or needs updating?
How can you take guidance/inspiration from a book that condones sexism, homophobia and racism?
What is the most powerful teaching from the Bible (in your opinion)?
Who is your favourite writer of the Bible e.g. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John?
Do you agree with the bible when it says women should be submissive to men?
The Church
Do you just literally show up to a church?
Do you need to be Christian to go to church?
Do you have to be Christian to go to church for youth clubs?
What is the most sacred thing you do in church?
Are you a Christian if you don’t go to church?
Is it bad to not go to church every week?
Are you a Christian if you pray but don’t go to church?
How often do you go to church?
How are your bathroom facilities (1-10)?
Why is there a box around the drums?
Why are their coloured windows?
How many churches are there in the world?
What political ideology is the church? (Ed’s note: or maybe the Church?!)
What is the biggest event held at the church?
What is the most important Christian celebration to you?
Is everyone accepted in the church?
The Church Year
Is Christmas the most important time in Christianity?
What is your favourite holiday? [Ed's note: Maybe they meant holy day?]
The Christian faith
How long ago did the faith start from?
Why is Christianity named after Jesus?
If you believe in God and have christened, yet you don’t go to church or study the Bible, is there a relationship between you and God?
What is the most important thing about Christianity (in your opinion)?​
Our Christian Life
What is the best way to show faith to God?
Why do you support Christianity?
Did you always believe in God?
If you hadn’t grown up in Christianity, would you have found God?
Why do you believe in Christianity?
Why do you believe that God’s real?
What does being a Christian mean to you?
When did you first find God?
What gives you faith? And how is it unique to you?
Do you need to do good things to get to heaven?
Why did you convert to Christianity or were you brought up in a Christian family?
Why did you pick this denomination?
Why did you turn to Christianity?
What made you believe in God?
Why did you become a Christian?
How do you know your God is the real God?
Have you ever had a moment where you knew God was with you and was helping you?
Can you say why you’re Christian in only three words?
What’s your evidence of God?
What proof is there for your beliefs?
Have you always been a Christian?
How often do you read the Scriptures?
Were you raised religious or did you come to the faith later in life?
Have you felt the presence of Jesus?
Do you like being a Christian?
What is your favourite part of church life? i.e. worship, sermons, community, etc.
How did you become a Christian (e.g. from birth, your decision)?
What is it like to be a Christian?
Do you have to have a religion?
How old do you have to be a Christian?
Is there anything that you can’t eat?
Do you ever wonder if it’s real? Do you ever question whether it’s true or not?
When did you become Christian?
What made you believe in Christianity?
Have you ever sinned?
How long have you been at this church?
Do you get punished for swearing?
Have you all been brought up Christian? If yes, then couldn’t it be said to be brainwashing, rather than your own choice?
Have you ever had second thoughts about being a Christian?
Would you force your child into Christianity?
When did you become Christian? Was it your choice, or were you born into it?
What age were you when you decided to become a Christian?
Why are you Christian?
What type of Christian are you?
Do you ever get bored or lose hope?
Has being a Christian influenced your career choices?
Have you been Christians your whole lives?
What is your main aim in life e.g. to please God, to follow Jesus, and how do you display it?
Have you ever had a religious experience to confirm your faith?
What’s your least favourite part of Christianity?
How do you find the time to practise your faith?
Do you feel like you have any restrictions in life?
Would you say being a Christian has improved your lifestyle?
What does being a Christian mean to you?
If you could relive any day of your life, what day would you choose and why?
What is most important thing about being a Christian?
What do you believe is the most important aspect of Christianity (and religion in general)? Community? God? Something else?
What is your favourite Christian teaching?
Do you think it’s important for everyone to be a Christian?
What’s more important to you – Christmas or Easter?
What made you join this church?
Do you feel guilty when you sin?
Do you fear death?
How do you pray and when do you pray?
Do you ever speak to God?
Can you pray for things that are not important?
How do you focus when you pray?
What is the best way to pray?
Do you have to pray everyday to be a Christian?
Why do you think some prayers may go unanswered, whereas some may be answered?
Do you think all prayers reach God and are answered?
What should I do if my prayers have not yet been answered?
Do your prayers get received and answered?
How does God respond to your prayers?
Prayer – since you guys pray for lots of things no matter how big or small – wouldn’t it be selfish lots of times?
How do you know it’s God replying to your prayer and not just your subconscious/gut feeling or internal monologue guiding you/replying?
Have any of your prayers been answered?
What’s the most you have ever prayed?
When God does not answer your prayers, does it make you question God’s love for people?
Where do you pray most often?
What happens when we die? Is heaven and hell real?
Is it hard to get into heaven?
What do you believe about salvation and life after death?
Does heaven change with time?
What happens when you go to heaven/hell?
How do you feel about different communities such as race, religion and sexuality?
What’s your opinion on the death penalty?
What, in your opinion, is the worst sin?
What is the church’s view on animal testing?
Can you celebrate Halloween?
Science and Faith
Do you disagree with scientists about the theory of the Big Bang?
Do you believe in evolution?
How would you oppose the idea of evolution?
Do you believe in the creation story literally?
Do you believe that fossils are placed on earth by God to test your faith?
What are your thoughts on evolution?
Do Christians believe in the Big Bang (the theory)?
Is science part of your belief?
Do you think genetic modification is right or should life be left to run its course, no matter how short or uncomfortable that life is?
Sexuality & Gender Identity
What do you believe God’s view on homosexuality is?
Do you support transgender people?
Are you against homosexuality?
Is LGBTQ a sin?
Will you marry gay people in this church?
Do you approve of homosexuality?
Do you support LGBTQ+ as a Christian?
Would you support your child if he/she was gay?
Do you support homosexuality?
Do you like gay people? (Would you be friends with them?)
What are your opinions on same sex relationships?
If you feel gay, does that mean you should become a monk or a nun?
Is homosexuality a sin?
Is Christianity homophobic?
Are you transphobic?
Are you against gays?
What are your views on the LGBT+?
What does the Bible say about gay people?
What are your views on homosexuality?
Why don’t Christians accept gay marriage?
What is your opinion on homosexuality? What do you think of homosexuals?
What’s your opinion on gay marriage?
Is homosexuality allowed in the church?
What is the church’s opinion on transgender people?
Do you believe that sex before marriage is o.k?
What are your views on sex before marriage?
Did you have sex before marriage?
Do you think sex before marriage should be strictly forbidden, or would you consider it to be important to build a healthy relationship?
If I have sex before marriage, am I going to hell?
How many genders are there?
Do you think transgenders are welcome in heaven?
Do you like transgenders as they are changing God’s plan?
If your gender does not match your sex, does that mean God got it wrong?
Do you think masturbation is wasted life?
​Do you agree with the Bible when it says masturbation is bad?
Why does God let bad things happen?
If God loves everyone and he is almighty, then how come natural disasters kill so many people?
How does God allow natural evil to exist, for example… hurricanes, tsunamis that hurt people?
If God loves us, why are there countless innocent people suffering?
Why does God allow suffering and evil in the world?
If God is omnibenevolent, omnipotent and omniscient, then why do people suffer?
If you are created in God’s image, why are there serial killers?
Do you believe that God is all loving, all knowing and all powerful? If so, why is there still suffering, poverty, discrimination in the world?
- Do you believe that innocent babies are actually born in sin?​
Will God send down another plague/flood to test us?
Why does God allow little children to die of incurable cancer before they can walk or talk because that does not seem very loving and kind?
Does the existence of suffering not negate God’s existence? He is meant to be omnibenevolent
If God is omnibenevolent, why do children die?
Other religions
What is your opinion on Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Do you teach any other religions here? E.g. Judaism, Hinduism
Where do other religions go after death, even if they are good people but not believe in God?
What do Christians think about other religions contradicting Christianity?
Do you believe anyone can enter heaven as long as you believe in God?
Why do you believe in Jesus but not other religions?
Is Christmas the most important time in Christianity?
How involved are Christians in politics?
Why is giving birth when unmarried bad?
What do you think of autistic people?
Do you believe that mental illness is a punishment from the devil?
What are your opinions on the morality of euthanasia? And what is church teaching on this matter?
Do you think pilgrimage helps faith and why?
What is the point of life?
What is the meaning of life? (in your opinion)
Do you believe in the devil?
If Satan punishes sinners, then why is he portrayed so negatively in Christianity?
Why can’t God heal the devil?
Why are there only white angels and no black angels?
Are sins always forgiveable?
What does the fox say?
What do you think of the Catholic Church?
What is the difference between Catholics and Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Do you think certain types of mission are more important or effective than others?
Do you feel you have to do mission to be a good Christian?
Are men and women equal?
Are animals considered more sacred than human or are they equally as sacred? Or less?
What is sacred?
Why do we say ‘Amen’ at the end of a prayer?
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
If somebody who had sinned all their life prayed for forgiveness on their deathbed, would they go to heaven?
What’s your opinion on The Simpsons making fun of Christians?
What is your opinion on abortion?
Do you try to spread mission to family members?
What’s your biggest sin?
Do you believe in the problem of evil?
What are your opinions on Trump?
Is there any teachings/beliefs you disagree with?
If you could go back in time, would you:
Stop Hitler, or
Meet Jesus?
​Does pineapple belong on pizza?