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Writer's pictureDave T

10 top tips to bless young people (part deux)

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

10 top tips to bless young people (6-10)

More tips to bless young people from the book launch on Saturday:

6. Don't ridicule or crush them. They may actually become famous. We can use our scientific knowledge to talk about megatsunamis, but it's unwise and unfair to scare them with that fear.

7. Speak well of them. I've heard parents call children, 'Big bum' and 'Fatso'. It's not funny. Many young people get called enough names. Don't add to them. Instead, use kind words.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Ephesians 4.29

If we're parents ourselves, we could set up angel envelopes in the house (see Raising the Bar) or write our child a letter and put it on their pillow.

8. Realise that they probably don't hate us (remembering point 3 below!)

9. Tell them and show them we love them. I call it cherishing.

10. Expect great things. There's a great book, written by a couple of Christian teenagers, but not specifically a Christian book, which encourages young people to 'Do Great Things' (buy it here). When we have high expectations, young people often exceed them. I tell a story in the book of a young man in a small group who was often disruptive. One evening I asked him to start us off in prayer. After complaining, he did it. His behaviour after that was the best ever.

Let's keep Raising the Bar.

If you missed 1-5, find them here.

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