Click on DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS and print them out or view them on a different screen, then click on DOWNLOAD CLUES for the clues in the form of a Microsoft Powerpoint and you are ready to go!
Now rewritten for in-person use!
"We love your escape rooms, very creative and so well organised that they are really straightforward to use. Thank you!
Thank you for all the excellent content on your website too – I use the ideas frequently!"
Kirsty Baker, Volunteer Youth Leader, St Peter’s Newdigate, Surrey
"What fun! Thank you for giving me something to keep my ministry going!"
Len Bogacki, Director of Youth Ministry, River Glen Presbyterian Church, Naperville, IL
"THANK YOU SO MUCH for creating such an awesome... resource! My middle school and high school girls’ Sunday school classes just recently played the Christmas Escape Game as an illustration for a Bible lesson we were going through. It was such a blast! Thank you for creating something that was thoroughly enjoyed."
Stephanie Evans, High School Girls’ Sunday School Teacher​
Christmas Escape Room
Take your youth or small group through this series of ten escape room challenges, written to make them as easy to set up as possible.
The Escape Room was written with 11- to 18-year-old youth and students in mind, but can be used with older children or adults. It's primarily aimed to be fun, but could be used to lead into a talk on Christmas.
Everything else you need, you will probably have already e.g. wool.
You can download for free two of the ten challenges for this Escape Room. Advertising JPEGs, full instructions and Powerpoints for both online and in-person versions are only £5.
See two sample challenges here.
Designed by Tim Robbins, Dave Thornton, Hannah Elphick and A Little Elf.

Photo by Dan Kiefer on Unsplash. Design by Jack Percey.
Christmas Leader Board
Quizzical Santas (Bournemouth & Winchester)
Roots (Holy Trinity, Eastbourne)
The Turkeys (SMB Younger Youth, Canterbury)
The Trumps (Emsworth & Bournemouth)
Big Brain Time (Central Baptist, Chelmsford)
Santa's Elves (Christ Church, Winchester)
One Life Church Pilgrims' Group (Kampala, Uganda)
ArkEXtra (Whittlesford, Cambridgeshire)
River Glen Youth Group (Naperville, Illinois, USA)
Kathryn's Elves, Sawston, Cambridgeshire
Toast (Central Baptist, Chelmsford)
Samuel and the Gummies (Vancouver BC, Canada)
Explorers (St. Peter's Newdigate, Surry)
Jonathan and Theodore (Jersey)
​To join the leaderboard, send your team name, time, group (if applicable) and location here, stating you've completed the Christmas Escape Room.
​If you spot any problems, have feedback or want to help design the next Escape Room, get in touch.
"Thanks for putting together the Christmas Escape Room! It was a lot of fun."
"Thanks, loads of fun and easy to do over Zoom!"
Simon, Winchester
"We have been using your escape rooms in some of our socials and they have been great :-) Thank you so much! The young people and leaders have absolutely loved doing them :-) In fact, we’re gonna do one of them again with another group next Thursday :-)"
Sam Clarke, Youth Minister, St. Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford
It's worth saying that I work on this in my spare time. I'm a full-time church youth worker. Find out more about me here.
If you want to support this work, the only resources for which I ask for payment is my book and two of the escape rooms, so please buy the book here. and buy the Escape Rooms here.
Sign up to become a member if you want to find out first when new material is added.
If you adapt these or create your own, then please get in touch. I'd love to share things that work well more widely.